Congress Man Tom Tancredo Business Services Facts About Digital Marketing

Facts About Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a new hype of the era. Since the pandemic started due to the virus many people now shop online and more and more sites have recently emerged and selling their stuff online. But since there are so many businesses online, it becomes very difficult to get to the top and make sure that all of your stuff is getting queued in the shopping carts. And if you want to do so, then it is best that you do a lot of SEO of your site, you must be thinking that day and night, you have been seeing this line but you are not getting the exact meaning of it, then we are here to tell you simpler words that it is a way to get your site on the top of the search engine. And, in this way, you will be earning a lot of money. If you now get it and want to know more about digital marketing, then we are here to present a few facts about it. We also present information about a renowned digital marketing agency in Abu Dhabi and some amazing facts about them;

  1. Google has done so much SEO that now it doesn’t need one and that is why they now have more than 1 billion active users of Gmail which means we have counted out that number of accounts that are inactive and by the next year of 2021 and 2022, there will be 3 billion Gmail users and there are 7 billion people on Earth which means almost half of the Earth’s people use Gmail.
  2. We always think that the marketing via email is outdated but still there are 4400 percent increment in the digital marketing only via email which means if you are done with different social medias and you want to cover all the platforms in the world, then try the one that is right under your nose, your email and others email as well.
  3. The news channels like The New York Times and several others let the students right the news for them under their name so that they can get a good applaud and the site can get different users as well. Well, they don’t write the main news but the portion of the site that is left for blogging and different write ups or tid bits.

Interested in working with an SEO agency in UAE? Get in touch with USEO today!